Tour Operator Insurance: Cost & Quotes From $45/mo

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The tour operators industry will be $10 billion in the US in 2023. This is a massive jump from when it fell to $4 billion 2020.

You need to be wary about potential liabilities that could cost your business financially. A travel agent might become confused about the features of the travel package and provide misleading information to the client. The tour guide business you’re working with might accuse you of failing to meet contract agreements. 

If you want to stand the best chance of protecting your business, you will want to get tour operators insurance. This is a policy made up of several different components that provide the liability protection necessary for you to be successful. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about tour operator insurance.

General Liability Insurance for Tour Operators

CoverWallet  NEXT (Best) Thimble Hiscox The Hartford
Per occurrence limit  $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000
Aggregate limit  $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000
Products and completed operations aggregate limit  $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Advertising injury coverage aggregate limit  $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Tenant’s legal liability coverage limit  $300,000/$1,000,000 $300,000 $100,000 $100,000 $1,000,000
Waiver of subrogation included? Yes No Included Can be included No
Hired/non-owned auto liability coverage included? Yes No No Can be included Can be included
Equipment breakdown floater included? No  Yes Yes Can be included Can be included
Can you get a certificate of insurance online? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name additional insureds? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deductible $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

General liability insurance for tour operators is a policy that protects your business from liability claims from customers and the public. Typically these claims will be for personal injury and property damage from your business services. Examples of when to use this tour operators liability insurance include:

  • A customer trips while in your office

  • An employee accidentally breaks a customer’s phone during normal business operations

What Are the Coverage Limits for General Liability Insurance?

General liability insurance has a typical coverage limit of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million in aggregate.

What Add-Ons Should I Take as a Tour Operator for General Liability Insurance?

Your insurance policy can be further customized through add-ons. Some common considerations include:

  • Hired and non-owned auto coverage–Adds financial protection for employee vehicles that are used for business purposes

  • Tools and equipment coverage–Protects the tools and equipment you use in your tour operator business, even used outside of your business premises, from damage and theft

Is General Liability Insurance Required by Law?

General liability insurance is not typically required by law for businesses. However, it is one of the most essential forms of coverage for your tour operating business since it protects you from customer and public liability, which are common causes of lawsuits.

Professional Liability Insurance for Tour Operators

CoverWallet  NEXT Thimble (Best) Hiscox The Hartford
Per occurrence limit  $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Aggregate limit  $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000
Name additional insureds? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Waiver of subrogation included? Yes No Yes Can be included No
HIPAA coverage included? No No No No No
Sexual misconduct coverage included? No No No No Can be included
License defense coverage included? No No No No Can be included
Deductible  $500 $500 $500 $50/$10,000 $500

Professional liability insurance is a common component of tour operator business insurance programs. It protects your company from any mistakes or negligence that you or your employees make in your business service. This insurance covers situations that include:

  • A tour guide you employed takes customers down the wrong path, causing them to miss a part of the tour they wanted to see

  • An accounting error causes you to receive a lawsuit from a business partner

What Are the Typical Professional Liability Coverage Limits?

The typical coverage limits of professional liability insurance will vary. Typically you see $1 million per occurrence and $1 million in aggregate for the coverage limits.

What Add-Ons Should I Get for Professional Liability for My Tour Operator Business?

Tour operators could benefit from an extended reporting period add-on to allow them more time to file a claim. Be sure to check the tour operators liability insurance policy wording closely so you know when you are protected from liability claims filed right at the moment or much later on. Another add-on for professional liability to consider is an additional insured add-on. This lets you add other parties to an already existing policy.

Public Liability Insurance for Tour Operators

Public liability insurance for tour operators is a form of insurance that is specialized to deal with claims from the general public interacting with your business. Some examples of times to use this policy include:

  • A tour group you arranged runs into pedestrians and causes injuries

  • A member of the general public walks into your tour operator’s office and slips, hurting their back

What Are the Public Liability Coverage Limits?

You will find that a public liability coverage limit of $1 million per occurrence will suffice for a small tour operator business.

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Commercial Property Insurance for Tour Operators

CoverWallet NEXT (Best) Thimble Hiscox The Hartford
Building coverage limit (minimum) $50,000 $260,000 $25,000/$500,000 $25,000 $60,000
Contents coverage limit (minimum) $50,000 $22,000 $25,000/$500,000 $25,000 $60,000
Outdoor signs Excluded $2,500 Excluded Excluded Excluded
Accounts receivable  Excluded Excluded $5,000/10,000 Included Excluded
Money and securities Excluded $2,500 $1,000 Included Excluded
Lock and keys  Excluded $2,500 Excluded Excluded Excluded
Business interruption floater Excluded Included Included Included Excluded
Equipment breakdown floater Excluded Included Excluded Excluded Excluded
Inland marine insurance floater Excluded Excluded $10,000 Excluded Excluded
Employee dishonesty floater Excluded $5,000 $2,500 Included Excluded

Commercial property insurance is responsible for protecting your own commercial premises and the business property contained in it. This policy will protect against liabilities from physical events like fires and floods, as well as human-caused incidents like vandalism and theft. Below are a few situations where this policy can be applied.

  • A lightning strike takes out the power to your tour operator’s office and causes damage to your electronics

  • A thief breaks into your tour office at night to steal your valuable business assets

What Add-Ons Are Recommended for Commercial Property Insurance?

Flood insurance will be a good commercial property policy add-on because it is typically not covered as a source of damage. If you live in an area that regularly sees flooding, it can be especially valuable. Earthquake insurance can also be a valuable add-on since many policies don’t cover land movements and landslide events by default.

What is a Typical Coverage Limit for Commercial Property Insurance?

Coverage limits for commercial property insurance will vary based on the value of your business property, but generally, small businesses see a coverage limit of about $60,000 for property damage.

Tourists walking down a cobblestone street.

Business Owner’s Policy for Tour Operators

CoverWallet Thimble (Best) NEXT  Hiscox The Hartford
General liability aggregate limit  $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $300,000 $1,000,000/$2,000,000
Commercial property coverage limit  $50,000 $500,000 $260,000 $25,000 $75,000
Optional policies can be added? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Name additional insureds for free? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BOP discount? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Business owner’s policy combines multiple policy options like general liability and commercial property into one convenient policy. This policy can be further customized with more add-ons as well. Some situations where a BOP is useful include:

  • A customer slip and fall damages both the customer and part of your property, but since you have a business owner’s policy, you are covered for both

  • A thief breaks into your business to steal your assets and destroy some of them as well

What Add-Ons Are Good to Have for a Business Owner’s Policy?

  • Cyber liability–Protects your business from data breaches and cyber attacks

  • Commercial crime–Protects your business from costs associated with the consequences of employee theft, robbery, forgery, and employee dishonesty.

  • Equipment breakdown–Helps repair or entirely replace equipment that breaks down from events like a power surge

What is the Coverage Range for Business Owner’s Policy?

Business owner’s policy can offer coverage ranging from as low as $300,000 to as high as $2 million. You will want to determine your amount of risk to decide just how much coverage you will need.

Tools and Equipment Insurance for Tour Operators

NEXT  Thimble Hiscox The Hartford
Aggregate limit $3,000/$10,000 $2,500/$5,000 $15,000/$25,000 $5,000-$10,000
Covers hired and borrowed equipment? $3,000/$10,000 $2,500/$5,000 No Yes
Miscellaneous equipment also covered? $5,000/$10,000 No Yes Yes
Offered as an endorsement to general liability insurance? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deductible $500 $500 $0 $0

Tools and equipment insurance covers the repair of computers, cameras, and other business equipment that got damaged, lost, or destroyed. One advantage of this policy is that you can take your tools off your business premises and still have them covered. Situations, when this policy might be good to get, include:

  • You take a piece of equipment you use to schedule tours away from your office, and it gets damaged

  • One of your employees damages a vital tool you need to help arrange accommodations and tour groups for clients

What Are the Coverage Limits I Can Expect With Tools and Equipment Insurance?

Tools and equipment insurance will cover movable tools under $10,000 and around $5,000 for equipment.

Do I Need Any Add-Ons for Tools and Equipment Insurance?

You might want to pick up equipment breakdown coverage, which extends the situations where you can get equipment repaired or replaced.

Another add-on to consider is inland marine coverage. This will protect your tools and equipment from damage when being transported across the land.

Am I Covered for Negligence in Maintaining My Tools?

No, typically, if you fail to exercise proper maintenance and safety standards with tools or equipment you use in your tour operator business, you would not qualify for coverage under this policy.

Commercial Auto Insurance for Tour Operators

Commercial auto insurance provides protection for your business vehicles that you may utilize in your tour operator business. Below are some examples of where this insurance can be useful.

  • While traveling to hire a tour guide, you get into a collision accident

  • Your business vehicle is parked at your business, but it gets broken into and vandalized

Commercial auto insurance coverage is comprised of:

  • Collision–This helps repair or replace your vehicle if it gets into a road collision with another vehicle

  • Comprehensive–Covers physical damage to your car, not from a road collision

  • Road assistance–Helps you pay for costs to get your car towed or repaired while it is broken down at the side of the road

  • Uninsured motorist–Provides coverage when another person’s insurance cannot cover damages they are liable for

  • Auto liability–When you are found at fault, it helps you pay our injury damages and property damages that you owe

What Are the Coverage Limits for Commercial Auto Insurance?

While there are no clear rules about the coverage to get, insurance companies will typically offer $100,000 in auto liability, and it is recommended that you get between $500,000 and $1 million in coverage.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Tour Operators

Workers’ compensation insurance is a policy that a tour operator buys to protect employees when they get injured or ill while on the job. Some cases where this insurance provides protection include:

  • While working in the office, an employee strains their back and has a limited range of motion, reducing their ability to work

  • One of your employees slips and falls, damaging their leg to the point they need a medical procedure

Is Workers’ Compensation Legally Required?

Yes, if you have part-time and full-time employees, most states will require that you purchase a workers’ compensation policy.

Are Independent Contract Workers Included in Workers’ Compensation?

No, they are not typically included in a workers’ compensation policy. You would need to add them as additional insured to extend coverage to employees you want to receive benefits.

Financial Failure Insurance for Tour Operators

Financial failure insurance for tour operators is an insurance policy that protects your customers if you cease operations. It is often a component of tour operators insurance policies and ensures you can meet your legal and financial obligations. Some examples of when this insurance kicks in include:

  • You take money for a holiday tour package from a customer but are unable to fulfill their service request

  • A customer wants their money back for a tour package, but your business has stopped trading

Tour Operator Insolvency Insurance

Insolvency insurance for tour operators is provided as a blanket coverage and as a surety bond. If availed as a blanket coverage, insolvency insurance will cover customer refunds for advance payments and services paid for. A surety-type tour operator insolvency insurance on the other hand covers incidents of misappropriation. 

Travel Insurance for Tour Operators

This is useful in case you frequently send employees abroad to join workshops, seminars, or conferences. Travel insurance for tour operators accounts for the cost of unexpected events that might happen during a trip such as lost luggage, flight cancellations, flight delays, and bodily injuries of employees.

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Tour Operators Insurance Cost

Cost per Month Cost per Year Deductible
General liability insurance $38 $456 $0-$500
Professional liability insurance $40 $480 $500-$1,000
Commercial property insurance $48 $576 $1,000-$2,000
Business owner’s policy $70 $840 $1,500
Insolvency insurance $50 $600 $1,000-$2,000
Commercial auto insurance $55 $660 $500-$1,000
Tools and equipment insurance $44 $528 $500-$1,000
Workers compensation insurance $92 $1,104 $2,000-$5,000
Travel insurance $63 $756 $1,000-$2,000

The average tour operator insurance cost is $38 per month or $456 per year for a $1 million general liability insurance. Factors that affect the cost of premiums are claims history, business history, policy limits, revenues, location, and number of employees. Here’s a table showing the cost of a $1 million general liability insurance from companies we recommend:

Cost per Month Cost per Year Best for
NEXT $20 $240 Best overall; Fastest general liability insurance for tour operators
The Hartford $23 $276 Workers compensation insurance for tour operators
CoverWallet $26 $312 Comparing tour operator insurance quotes online
Tivly $27 $324 Best selection of partners for tour operator insurance
Thimble $29 $348 On-demand coverage for tour operators
Hiscox $32 $384 Tour operator insurance with worldwide coverage
AON $34 $408 Extra worldwide protection options for tour operators

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Best Tour Operator Insurance Companies

Here are the best tour operator insurance companies. Read some of the reviews below to know their pros, cons, and average rate for a $1 million general liability insurance. 

NEXT Tour Operator Insurance


  • Best overall

  • Issues an online proof of insurance instantly

  • Fastest general liability insurance for tour operators

  • Great customer service and reputation

  • Excellent rates

  • Outstanding value for money

  • Get a 10% discount if you buy two or more policies 


  • Couldn’t find any

NEXT offers a variety of different coverage options for tour operators. They have general liability, professional liability, commercial auto, business owner’s policy, and many more. NEXT has a stellar track record with a financial score of A- from AM Best and a customer satisfaction rating of B+ from the Better Business Bureau.

Best for: Best overall; Fastest general liability insurance for tour operators

Average cost: $20 per month 

Our rating: 10/10 

The Hartford Tour Operator Insurance


  • Renowned company for workers compensation insurance

  • High satisfaction with claims

  • Can underwrite specialized policies for high-risk business lines


  • Limited add-ons to general liability insurance

The Hartford has experience with the tour operator and travel industry that allows them to offer knowledgeable and experienced policies. They have 200 years of industry experience and help you get coverage online in minutes. The Hartford has an A+ rating from AM Best and an A+ rating from the BBB.

Best for: Workers compensation insurance for tour operators

Average cost: $23 per month

Our rating: 10/10 

CoverWallet Tour Operator Insurance


  • Compare quotes online

  • Convenient dashboard for policy tracking

  • HNOA coverage automatically included in general liability insurance


  • Not an insurance company but an insurance broker

CoverWallet has policy options for tour operators like cyber liability, workers’ compensation, and business owner’s policy. They offer excursion insurance designed for tour operators that helps them be recommended by hotels and covers risks that your travel customers face. CoverWallet has an A+ rating from the BBB

Best for: Comparing tour operator insurance quotes online

Average cost: $26 per month

Our rating: 10/10

Tivly Tour Operator Insurance


  • A large number of partners

  • Helps connect you to the right provider

  • Compare quotes over the phone


  • Have to call to start a quote

Tivly is a digital insurance solutions company that offers tour operator policy components like workers’ comp, commercial auto, and general liability. The company has over 200 partners that they help connect you with. Tivly has an A rating from the BBB and takes a solutions approach to insurance. This means that they determine what your business needs are and connect you from there. Call now to compare quotes over the phone. 

Best for: Best selection of partners for tour operator insurance

Average cost: $27 per month

Our rating: 10/10 

Thimble Tour Operator Insurance


  • Quickly issues an estimate of your rates

  • Numerous add-ons to general liability insurance and BOP

  • Get general liability insurance as a short-term policy


  • You can’t reach customer service by calling

Thimble is an insurance company with extensive experience in the tour industry. They offer general liability, professional liability, business owner’s policy, and other options for your tour operator’s policy. The company has a great selection of resources to look through and help you get your certificate of insurance within 60 seconds of starting the process. Thimble has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Best for: On-demand coverage for tour operators

Average cost: $29 per month

Our rating: 10/10 

Hiscox Tour Operator Insurance


  • 14-day money-back guarantee

  • Numerous add-ons to base policies

  • Worldwide coverage


  • Online quoting not available all the time due to periodic site maintenance

Hiscox is a small business-focused insurance company that goes for the quality of their policies over quantity. They can help your tour operator business narrow down a few policies that serve their needs best. Hiscox has a Fitch rating of A+ and an A rating from AM Best for financial strength.

Best for: Tour operator insurance with worldwide coverage

Average cost: $32 per month

Our rating: 10/10 

AON Tour Operator Insurance


  • TravPro program offers worldwide protection for tour operators

  • Paid legal defense


  • Quote process can be slow

AON tour operator insurance is the mother company of CoverWallet and helps tour operators get coverage for worldwide protection if meet requirements. They offer protections like general liability, professional liability, personal injury, and more. They offer a $5 million per occurrence and $5 million annual aggregate policy limits if you qualify for it. Aon has an A rating from AM Best.

Best for: Extra worldwide protection options for tour operators

Average cost: $34 per month

Our rating: 8/10

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