
Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors: Costs & Quotes

Table of contents
1. What is Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors 2. When Do You Need to Get Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors2.1. Assessing Employee Count and Classification2.2. Project Scope and Contractual Obligations 2.3. Statutory Requirements and Industry Standards 2.4. The Holistic Approach to Employee Well-being3. What Government Agency Oversees Workers Compensation for Building Contractors?3.1. Key Functions and Responsibilities:4. Which Businesses Are Exempt from Getting Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors?4.1. Variability in Exemptions:5. How Much Money Does Workers Compensation Insurance Give to building contractors?5.1. Temporary Partial Disability Benefits5.2. Temporary Total Disability Benefits5.3. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits5.4. Permanent Total Disability Benefits6. How Long Will an Employee Wait Before Receiving Benefits?7. Penalties for Not Getting Workers' Compensation for building contractors8. Workers Compensation Insurance Cost for Building Contractors9. Other Business Insurance Policies for Contractors and Construction Companies to Consider9.1. General Liability Insurance9.2. Business Owner's Policy9.3. Commercial Auto Insurance9.4. Contractor’s Tools and Equipment Insurance9.5. Professional Liability Insurance9.6. Surety Bonds9.7. Builder’s Risk Insurance10. Best Building Contractor Workers’ Compensation Insurance Companies10.1. NEXT Insurance 10.1.1. Pros10.1.2. Cons10.2. The Hartford10.2.1. Pros10.2.2. Cons10.3. CoverWallet10.3.1. Pros10.3.2. Cons10.4. Tivly10.4.1. Pros10.4.2. Cons10.5. Thimble10.5.1. Pros10.5.2. Cons10.6. Hiscox10.6.1. Pros10.6.2. Cons

Step into a realm of enriched understanding as we unveil the comprehensive guide to workers compensation insurance for building contractors. Within the context of the dynamic construction industry, this guide serves as your compass, navigating the essential landscape of employee protection. From legal obligations to financial security, this resource equips both seasoned contractors and newcomers with vital insights to ensure workforce well-being and business resilience. This guide offers the necessary knowledge to navigate the multifaceted domain of building contractors workers comp insurance.

What is Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors 

Workers compensation insurance for building contractors is a vital protective measure designed to ensure the safety and well-being of both employees and employers in the construction industry. This insurance coverage serves as a safety net, providing financial support and medical benefits to employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses.

At its core, workers compensation insurance offers a mutually beneficial arrangement: it safeguards employees by offering compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages, while simultaneously shielding employers from potential legal liabilities stemming from workplace accidents. This coverage is not only a legal requirement in many jurisdictions but also a crucial ethical responsibility that underscores the value of human capital within the construction sector.

Building contractors operate in an environment where the risk of accidents and injuries is inherent due to the nature of the work. From handling heavy equipment to working at heights, the potential for mishaps is significant. Workers comp insurance for building contractors steps in to mitigate these risks by providing a structured and systematic way to address injuries while minimizing financial strain on both employees and their employers.

When Do You Need to Get Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors

Determining the right time to obtain building contractors workers compensation insurance hinges on a nuanced understanding of the industry's dynamics, your business structure, and the legal provisions in your jurisdiction. This guide will help you navigate the complex terrain of workers' compensation requirements without resorting to generic statements.

Every construction project is unique, and the need for workers' compensation coverage can vary significantly. Rather than adhering to a one-size-fits-all approach, the key lies in comprehending the specific circumstances that trigger the requirement for this essential coverage.

Assessing Employee Count and Classification

When considering the need for workers comp insurance for building contractors, focus on your workforce composition. The legal thresholds for requiring coverage can often be tied to the number of employees you have, the nature of their work, and their classification. Different states and regions have varying definitions of what constitutes an employee, and the thresholds can differ significantly. Understanding these distinctions is paramount to ensuring compliance.

Project Scope and Contractual Obligations 

The scope of your construction projects can also influence your need for workers' compensation coverage. If you're engaged in larger projects or working with entities that have specific insurance requirements, the necessity for coverage might be heightened. Understanding the expectations of your clients, project partners, and regulatory bodies will guide your decision-making process.

Statutory Requirements and Industry Standards 

Immerse yourself in the intricacies of workers' compensation law provisions applicable to your location. While some jurisdictions might mandate coverage based solely on the number of employees, others might have more nuanced criteria. These criteria can encompass aspects such as employee status (full-time, part-time, seasonal), job classification (independent contractors, subcontractors), and even the nature of the construction work itself.

The Holistic Approach to Employee Well-being

Beyond legal obligations, obtaining workers compensation insurance for building contractors underscores your commitment to the well-being of your workforce. Injuries and accidents are an unfortunate reality in the construction industry. By proactively securing coverage, you create a safety net that not only protects your employees but also bolsters their morale and confidence in your organization.

What Government Agency Oversees Workers Compensation for Building Contractors?

When it comes to building contractors workers compensation insurance, government agencies step into the spotlight. These agencies hold the responsibility of overseeing this crucial facet of employee protection. Let's explore their functions and significance, gaining insight into how they uphold the welfare of both workers and businesses.

In many jurisdictions, the workers compensation commission stands as the principal authority responsible for supervising and administering the regulations surrounding workers' compensation insurance. This commission serves as a bridge between employees, employers, and the law, ensuring a fair and just resolution in the event of workplace injuries or illnesses.

Key Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Enforcement of Regulations: The workers compensation commission enforces compliance with workers' compensation laws, ensuring that employers adhere to their legal obligations to provide coverage for their employees. This enforcement minimizes the risk of non-compliance, safeguarding workers' rights.

  • Claim Adjudication: When disputes arise over compensation claims, the commission serves as a neutral party responsible for adjudicating these claims. It assesses the validity of the claim, considering medical evidence, legal precedents, and applicable regulations, and facilitates the appropriate resolution.

  • Benefit Distribution: The commission oversees the distribution of benefits to eligible employees. This involves evaluating medical reports, assessing disability levels, and determining the rightful compensation that injured or ill employees are entitled to receive.

  • Mediation and Resolution: In cases where parties disagree over compensation matters, the commission offers mediation services to facilitate a fair resolution. This approach not only expedites the process but also reduces the burden on the court system.

  • Educational Outreach: Recognizing the importance of awareness, the commission often engages in educational initiatives aimed at informing both employers and employees about their rights and responsibilities under workers' compensation laws.

  • Policy and Regulatory Updates: As the dynamics of the construction industry evolve, the workers compensation commission may recommend updates or revisions to existing regulations. This ensures that the laws remain relevant and effective in addressing contemporary workplace challenges.

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Which Businesses Are Exempt from Getting Workers Compensation Insurance for Building Contractors?

Untangling the exceptions that apply to certain firms is necessary for building contractors to understand the complex topic of workers compensation insurance. These legislative exemptions identify particular circumstances in which firms may not be required to purchase workers comp insurance for building contractors. Research has been conducted to research state-specific workers' compensation resources to determine the subtleties of exemption criteria in order to deliver accurate insights. 

To guarantee correct comprehension and compliance with the exemption criteria, it is essential to seek the advice of legal experts and workers' compensation resources tailored to your state.

While exemptions alleviate coverage requirements for some businesses, it's vital to recognize the potential risks they introduce. Even exempt businesses might consider voluntary coverage to protect themselves and their employees from unforeseen accidents. 

Variability in Exemptions:

  • Sole Proprietors and Partnerships: In many states, sole proprietors and partnerships without employees may be exempt from obtaining workers' compensation insurance. However, this often depends on the jurisdiction and the specific roles these individuals undertake within the business.

  • Family-Owned Businesses: Some states offer exemptions for family-owned businesses, particularly if family members are the only employees. However, the family relationship and the size of the business may influence the applicability of this exemption.

  • Independent Contractors: Businesses that predominantly hire independent contractors might not be subject to workers' compensation requirements for those contractors. However, the classification of "independent contractor" must adhere to stringent legal definitions to be considered exempt.

  • Small Employee Count: Certain states exempt businesses with a very small number of employees, typically below a specified threshold. This recognizes the practical challenges for businesses with limited resources.

  • Specific Industries: Certain states may exempt businesses operating within specific industries where the risk of workplace injuries is relatively low. However, this often requires businesses to provide robust proof of minimal risk exposure.

How Much Money Does Workers Compensation Insurance Give to building contractors?

Understanding the financial assistance that workers compensation insurance for building contractors offers to employees who experience work-related illnesses or accidents is essential. This section goes into the specific dollar amounts related to various benefits, illuminating how this policy protects the welfare of the workforce. The precision of these figures underscores the commitment to their well-being and underscores the value of workers compensation for building contractor employees in maintaining a secure work environment.

It's important to note that while these figures provide a general understanding, the exact benefits can differ based on state regulations, injury severity, and individual circumstances. Staying informed about the specifics within your jurisdiction ensures that both building contractors and their employees are well-prepared in case of unfortunate events. This percentage varies by state but usually ranges between 50% and 70%.

Temporary Partial Disability Benefits

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) benefits, offered by building contractor workers' comp insurance, aim to alleviate the financial impact of a partially limiting injury. Typically, TPD benefits amount to approximately two-thirds of the difference between an employee's pre-injury average weekly wage and their current earnings when working part-time due to the injury. For example, if an employee's average weekly wage was $1,000 before the injury and their part-time earnings post-injury amount to $700, the lost wages would be $300. Consequently, the employee may qualify for TPD benefits of around $200 per week to help mitigate the income disparity resulting from their reduced work capacity.

Temporary Total Disability Benefits

If an employee sustains an injury that renders them entirely unable to work for a limited period, temporary total disability benefits come into play. These benefits usually amount to around 66.67% of the employee's average weekly wage, up to a state-defined maximum limit. For instance, if an employee's average weekly wage is $1,000, their temporary total disability benefit may be approximately $666.70 per week.

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

For injuries resulting in a permanent partial disability, where the employee can still work but not at full capacity, compensation varies. The amount is often determined based on a percentage of the employee's impairment rating and the state's established schedule of benefits. For example, if an employee has a 10% impairment rating and the state's schedule dictates a compensation of $100 per percentage point, the employee may receive $1,000 in permanent partial disability benefits.

Permanent Total Disability Benefits

In cases of severe injuries or disabilities that render the employee permanently unable to work, permanent total disability benefits are provided. These benefits typically amount to a set percentage of the employee's pre-injury wage and may be subject to a state-defined maximum. For instance, if an employee's pre-injury wage was $1,500 per week and the state's maximum weekly benefit is $800, the employee's permanent total disability benefit may be capped at $800 per week.

How Long Will an Employee Wait Before Receiving Benefits?

Referred to as the waiting period in the context of workers' compensation benefits, this initial span mandates that an injured employee must patiently await eligibility to access their entitled benefits. This interval functions as a safeguard, ensuring that only valid claims are processed and providing ample time to accurately assess the extent of the injury.

The length of this waiting period can fluctuate based on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances surrounding the injury. Across various states, there is generally an initial waiting period of a certain number of days before benefits become effective. This time frame typically falls within the range of 3 to 7 days. Should the injury lead to a prolonged absence from work, the benefits might be retroactively applied to encompass the waiting period as well.

Penalties for Not Getting Workers' Compensation for building contractors

Failure to secure appropriate workers compensation insurance for building contractors can have significant and far-reaching consequences. One potential consequence is the initiation of legal action. The state authorities may take legal steps against the non-compliant business, leading to additional financial burdens and legal fees. This legal action can exacerbate the financial strain on the business, making it clear that adhering to workers' compensation requirements is not just a matter of preference, but a necessity.

In more severe cases, businesses failing to secure workers' compensation insurance may face suspension of their operations. This suspension can be temporary or even permanent, creating substantial disruptions and financial losses for the business. Moreover, the repercussions extend beyond financial aspects. Employers without proper building contractor workers compensation insurance coverage may experience challenges in acquiring contracts and clients.

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Workers Compensation Insurance Cost for Building Contractors

When it comes to budgeting for workers comp rates for building contractors as part of their operational expenses, building contractors can expect to allocate an average of approximately $150 per month. This translates to an annual cost of around $1,800. The table below outlines the typical workers' compensation rate offered by the best companies catering to building contractors:

CompanyCost Per MonthCost per YearBest For
NEXT$45$540Best overall; Fastest building contractor workers' compensation insurance
Hiscox$45$540Small businesses seeking industry-specific workers' compensation solutions
Thimble$50$600Contractors seeking on-demand, customizable coverage for projects with varying durations
Coverwallet$60$720Workers compensation insurance online quotes comparison
Tivly$75$900Comparing building contractor workers comp insurance quotes over the phone 
The Hartford$150$1,800Contractors seeking extensive industry expertise and customized coverage solutions

Other Business Insurance Policies for Contractors and Construction Companies to Consider

While workers comp insurance for building contractors provides a fundamental layer of protection for your employees, it's important to recognize its limitations. This coverage primarily focuses on employee well-being, leaving gaps in safeguarding other crucial aspects of your contracting or construction business. To ensure a comprehensive risk management strategy, it's essential to consider additional insurance policies that cater to the diverse challenges posed by the construction industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance goes beyond the scope of workers' compensation. It offers coverage for property damage and injuries sustained by third parties, such as clients, visitors, or bystanders, due to your business operations. This protection safeguards against legal and financial consequences arising from accidents, property damage, or bodily injuries that may occur on-site. By including general liability insurance in your coverage, you mitigate potential liabilities associated with accidents and damages outside the realm of your employees.

Business Owner's Policy

A Business Owner's Policy (BOP) is a comprehensive solution that combines both general liability and property insurance. While general liability covers third-party claims, property insurance extends protection to your business assets. This includes buildings, equipment, inventory, and more. With a BOP, you're not only shielding your business against legal claims but also fortifying it against physical losses, ensuring that your business operations remain resilient even in the face of unexpected events.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is indispensable if your construction activities involve vehicles. This coverage extends beyond workers' compensation and safeguards your company vehicles against accidents, damages, and potential liabilities. Whether it's transporting materials, equipment, or personnel, this policy ensures that your operations on the road are protected, reducing the financial risks associated with vehicular accidents.

Contractor’s Tools and Equipment Insurance

Your construction tools and equipment are the lifeblood of your business. Protecting these valuable assets is crucial to ensuring uninterrupted operations. Contractor’s tools and equipment insurance guards against theft, damage, or loss, minimizing the disruptions that can occur due to unforeseen circumstances. By having this coverage, you're ensuring that your projects stay on track and that your investments are safeguarded.

Professional Liability Insurance

For contractors providing advice, design, or consulting services, professional liability insurance is a must-have. This policy safeguards against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in your professional work that might result in financial harm to your clients. Unlike workers compensation, professional liability insurance addresses potential errors in your professional services, giving you peace of mind in your interactions with clients.

Surety Bonds

Surety bonds are a pivotal component of construction projects. They provide a guarantee to project owners that you will fulfill your contractual obligations. In essence, they enhance your credibility and assure your clients that their projects will be completed as promised. This added layer of assurance sets you apart in the competitive construction landscape, demonstrating your commitment to delivering quality work.

Builder’s Risk Insurance

Builder’s risk insurance is designed to protect your ongoing construction projects. It covers property and materials during construction, safeguarding against damages caused by events like fire, theft, or vandalism. This policy ensures that unforeseen setbacks don't jeopardize the progress of your projects, allowing you to navigate challenges with confidence.

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Best Building Contractor Workers’ Compensation Insurance Companies

In the principality of building contractor workers' compensation insurance, selecting the right insurance company is key to ensuring comprehensive coverage and peace of mind. We've researched and evaluated a range of prominent insurance providers to present you with insights into their offerings. Below, we delve into the key features, pros, and cons of each company, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your business needs.

NEXT Insurance


  • Best overall

  • Issues an online proof of insurance instantly

  • Fastest workers compensation insurance

  • Great customer service and reputation

  • Excellent rates

  • Outstanding value for money

  • Get a 10% discount if you buy two or more policies

  • Streamlined online platform for easy quotes and purchasing

  • Customized insurance packages for small businesses and contractors

  • Rapid claims processing and efficient customer support


  • Couldn’t find any

NEXT stands out as a digital-first insurance provider offering specialized coverage for contractors and small businesses. Their policies are designed to cater to the exceptional conditions of building contractors, ensuring protection against work-related injuries and accidents. With an emphasis on convenience, Next Insurance provides a user-friendly platform for obtaining quotes, purchasing policies, and managing claims. This company aims to simplify the insurance process while delivering comprehensive coverage that meets the demands of the construction industry.

Best for: Best overall; Fastest building contractor workers' compensation insurance

Average cost: $45 per month

Our rating: 9/10

The Hartford


  • Long-standing reputation and financial stability

  • Extensive coverage options

  • Dedicated claims service

  • Additional business resources and tools


  • Not available in all states

With a legacy spanning decades, The Hartford is a renowned insurance company known for its commitment to providing tailored coverage for various industries, including construction. Their building contractor workers' comp insurance offers comprehensive protection for contractors and their employees. Hartford's extensive expertise ensures that contractors can access policies specifically designed to address the unusual risks they face. This insurer's reputation and wide range of coverage options make it a favored choice for businesses seeking robust protection.

Best for: Contractors seeking extensive industry expertise and customized coverage solutions

Average cost: $150 per month

Our rating: 9/10



  • Simplified process for obtaining quotes and purchasing policies

  • Customized insurance solutions for construction businesses

  • Access to a wide network of top insurance carriers


  • Not an insurance provider but it is a broker

CoverWallet was founded in 2015 by Inaki Berenguer and Rashmi Melgiri. The company was established with the goal of making insurance more accessible and convenient for small businesses. CoverWallet operates as an online insurance marketplace, partnering with multiple insurance carriers to offer a variety of coverage options. Their focus on simplicity extends to obtaining quotes and purchasing policies online, making it convenient for busy contractors. CoverWallet provides tailored solutions for construction businesses, recognizing the specific risks and challenges they face. By leveraging their network of top insurance carriers, they aim to match contractors with policies that suit their unique needs.

Best for: Workers compensation insurance online quotes comparison

Average cost: $60 per month

Our rating: 9.5/10



  • Innovative digital platform for hassle-free insurance solutions

  • Coverage tailored to the needs of contractors and construction businesses

  • Transparent pricing and straightforward policies


  • You need to call to get quotes

Tivly is a forward-thinking insurance provider that caters to the needs of contractors and construction companies. Their innovative digital platform offers a seamless experience for obtaining building contractor workers comp insurance coverage. Tivly's emphasis on transparency is reflected in its straightforward policies and clear pricing. Designed to align with the unique requirements of the construction industry, Tivly's offerings aim to simplify the insurance process and provide reliable protection for contractors. Call now and talk with a representative to compare quotes over the phone.

Best for: Comparing building contractor workers comp insurance quotes over the phone

Average cost: $75 per month

Our rating: 9/10



  • Flexible on-demand coverage options

  • Customizable policies tailored to contractors' project timelines

  • User-friendly app for easy policy management


  • Coverage might be limited for certain specialized risks

Thimble introduces a unique approach to workers' compensation insurance by offering flexible on-demand coverage. This model caters to contractors with varying project durations, allowing them to secure coverage precisely when they need it. Thimble's user-friendly app simplifies policy management, and contractors can customize policies based on their project timelines. While specializing in short-term coverage, Thimble provides a novel solution for contractors seeking adaptable workers' compensation insurance.

Best for: Contractors seeking on-demand, customizable coverage for projects with varying durations

Average cost: $50 per month

Our rating: 9.5/10



  • Specialized coverage for contractors and small businesses

  • High coverage limits available

  • Strong financial stability and reputation


  • Premiums might be higher due to comprehensive coverage

Hiscox is a reputable insurance company known for its specialized coverage options for contractors and small businesses. Their building contractor workers’ comp insurance policies are tailored to address the distinctive threats faced by contractors in the construction industry. With a focus on industry-specific requirements, Hiscox offers robust protection that takes into account potential accidents, injuries, and liabilities. The company's strong financial stability and positive reputation make it an attractive choice for contractors seeking comprehensive workers' compensation coverage.

Best for: Small businesses seeking industry-specific workers' compensation solutions

Average cost: $45 per month

Our rating: 9/10

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