
North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance: Quotes from $42/mo.

Safety and protection take center stage in the bustling world of business and construction within the picturesque landscapes of North Carolina. North Carolina workers compensation insurance is at the heart of this commitment to worker well-being. Workers compensation insurance is not just a legal requirement but a lifeline that ensures employees and employers are shielded from the unforeseen hazards of the job.

In this detailed exploration, we demystified North Carolina workers compensation insurance. From its fundamental principles to the tangible benefits it offers, we'll uncover its vital role in the lives of the state's workforce. Join us as we delve deeper into the intricacies of this essential safety net, ensuring that both workers and employers are equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate the often complex landscape of workers compensation NC.

What is North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance

North Carolina workers compensation insurance is a type of insurance that helps employees when they get hurt or sick because of their job. It provides financial support to cover medical expenses and offers partial wage replacement when employees can't work due to a job-related injury or illness. Around 147 million American workers benefit from workers compensation coverage, ensuring they have access to necessary medical care and financial support should they suffer injuries while on the job.

In terms of financial assistance, workers compensation programs made significant payouts in 2019, totaling a remarkable $61.9 billion. This substantial financial aid helps injured workers recover and maintain their financial stability during healing. It serves as a lifeline for individuals and families during challenging times. 

NC state workers compensation is a widely enforced requirement for employers nationwide. As of 2020, statistics indicate that 87.4% of all workers in the United States were covered by this insurance, highlighting the extensive compliance of employers with state regulations. This broad coverage ensures that most employees are protected, emphasizing the importance of workers compensation insurance in upholding workplace safety and employee well-being throughout North Carolina.

When Do You Need to Get Workers Compensation Insurance?

In North Carolina, businesses need to obtain workers compensation insurance under specific circumstances outlined by the state's workers compensation laws. It's crucial for businesses in North Carolina to carefully assess their workforce and the nature of their operations to ensure compliance with these workers compensation NC requirements. Failing to do so can lead to legal consequences and financial penalties. Consulting with legal or insurance professionals can be beneficial to navigate the specific provisions of the law and ensure full compliance. Understanding these provisions is crucial to determining when a business must have this insurance.

  • Number of employees: The primary factor in North Carolina's Workers Compensation Insurance requirement is the number of employees a business has. Generally, if a business employs three or more employees, including part-time and full-time workers, it is mandated by state law to carry workers comp NC. This threshold is a crucial determinant for many businesses operating in the state.

  • Construction industry: For companies in the construction industry, even having just one employee is sufficient to trigger the requirement for workers compensation insurance. This sector has stricter regulations due to the higher risk of workplace injuries and accidents.

  • Corporate officers and members of LLCs: In North Carolina, corporate officers and members of limited liability companies (LLCs) are usually included in the count of employees when determining whether a business needs Workers Compensation Insurance. However, they may have the option to exempt themselves if they meet specific criteria.

  • Exemptions and exceptions: Some types of workers may be exempt from the requirement, such as certain agricultural workers, casual employees, and domestic workers. Additionally, sole proprietors and partners are not typically considered employees unless they choose to include themselves in the coverage.

What Government Agency Oversees Workers Compensation Insurance in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the government agency responsible for overseeing workers compensation Insurance is the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC) under the North Carolina Workers Compensation Commission. The NCIC plays a pivotal role in regulating and administering workers compensation NC matters within the state. Functions of the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC) are follows:

  • Administration and enforcement: The NCIC administers and enforces North Carolina workers compensation laws. It ensures that employers comply with insurance requirements and that employees receive the benefits they are entitled to in case of workplace injuries or illnesses.

  • Dispute resolution: The NCIC serves as a forum for resolving disputes related to workers compensation claims. It offers mediation and adjudication services to help employers and employees settle disagreements over benefits, medical treatment, or other compensation-related issues.

  • Rulemaking and compliance: The Commission creates and updates rules and regulations governing workers compensation in North Carolina. These NC workers compensation rules ensure that the system operates reasonably and efficiently while addressing the evolving needs of workers and employers.

  • Information and education: The NCIC provides information and educational resources to employers and employees about their rights and responsibilities under the workers comp insurance NC system. This includes guidance on filing claims, understanding benefits, and navigating the legal process.

  • Medical fee schedules: The Commission establishes medical fee schedules, determining the maximum fees healthcare providers can charge for treating injured workers. This helps control medical costs associated with workers compensation claims.

  • Safety and prevention: The NCIC promotes workplace safety and injury prevention through various initiatives. It collaborates with organizations to reduce workplace accidents and protect employees from harm.

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North Carolina Workers Compensation Poster

The North Carolina Workers Compensation Poster is a required workplace notice that serves as a concise reference for employees and employers. It informs employees about their rights and responsibilities concerning workplace injuries or illnesses. This poster typically guides reporting injuries, accessing medical care, and receiving compensation.

For employers, displaying this poster in a visible location is mandatory and ensures compliance with state regulations. It also contributes to workplace safety by promoting awareness of workers comp insurance NC procedures and emphasizing the importance of timely injury reporting.

In essence, the North Carolina workers compensation poster is a vital tool that helps maintain transparency and compliance within the workers compensation system, benefiting both employees and employers in the state.

Which Businesses Are Exempt from Getting Workers Compensation Insurance North Carolina

Certain types of businesses in North Carolina may be exempt from the requirement to obtain workmans comp insurance NC. These exemptions are typically defined by the state's workers compensation laws and regulations. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on exemptions, it's advisable to visit the North Carolina Industrial Commission's official website (NCIC), the governing body overseeing workers compensation matters in the state.

Exemptions may vary, but common categories of businesses that may be exempt from obtaining Workers Compensation Insurance in North Carolina include:

  • Sole proprietors and partners: Sole proprietors and partners in a business are often not considered employees and may choose to exclude themselves from coverage. However, they can opt to include themselves if they wish to be covered.

  • Certain agricultural workers: Some agricultural employees may not be required to have workers compensation coverage, especially if they meet specific criteria related to the number of employees or the type of agricultural work they perform.

  • Casual employees: In some cases, businesses may hire casual or temporary workers who work infrequently. These employees may not always be subject to mandatory workers compensation coverage.

  • Corporate officers and LLC members: Corporate officers and members of limited liability companies (LLCs) may have the option to exempt themselves from workers compensation coverage. However, they can choose to include themselves if they want to be covered.

  • Specific nonprofit organizations: Some nonprofit organizations, particularly those with limited employees, may be exempt from the workers compensation requirement.

  • Domestic workers: In certain situations, domestic workers, such as housekeepers, nannies, and caregivers, may not be required to have workers compensation coverage. However, this can depend on factors like the number of hours worked per week or the specific duties performed.

  • Federal employees: Federal employees in North Carolina are typically exempt from the state's workers compensation laws. Instead, they are covered by a separate federal workers compensation system, the Federal Employees' Compensation Program (FECA), administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. FECA provides benefits for federal employees who experience job-related injuries or illnesses, offering medical coverage, wage replacement, and rehabilitation services specific to federal employment.

How Much Money Does North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Give

The amount you get from workers compensation insurance depends if the injury is temporary partial, temporary total, permanent partial, or permanent total. We discuss these comprehensively below:

Temporary Partial Disability Benefits

TPD benefits are intended for employees who can return to work in a limited capacity after a work-related injury, often at a reduced wage compared to their pre-injury earnings. To calculate TPD benefits, you can use the formula: TPD Benefit = 2/3 * (Pre-Injury Average Weekly Wage - Post-Injury Average Weekly Wage). The weekly maximum for TPD benefits is $992, and the minimum is $30. The maximum duration for receiving TPD benefits is 300 weeks. These benefits aim to compensate for the wage loss experienced due to the reduced work capacity, providing financial support while the employee recovers and adjusts to the work limitations.

Temporary Total Disability Benefits

These benefits are essential for employees who are temporarily unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness. These benefits replace a portion of the employee's pre-injury wages. The calculation for TTD benefits is straightforward: TTD Benefit = 2/3 * Pre-Injury Average Weekly Wage. The weekly maximum for TTD benefits is $1,104, while the minimum is $30. The treating physician determines the duration for receiving TTD benefits but can extend up to 500 weeks. TTD benefits offer crucial financial support to employees during their recovery period, ensuring they have the means to cover living expenses.

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

PPD benefits come into play when an employee sustains a permanent impairment as a result of a work-related injury but can still work to some extent. The specific amount of PPD benefits is determined based on the nature and extent of the impairment, with reference to a schedule of injuries outlined in NC workers comp laws. The formula for PPD benefits calculation varies depending on the type and severity of the impairment. PPD benefits provide ongoing financial support and are typically calculated as a percentage of the employee's average weekly wage before the injury. It's important to note that statutory limits exist on the maximum weekly benefit amount.

Permanent Total Disability Benefits (PTD)

Permanent total disability benefits are provided when an employee cannot engage in any substantially gainful employment due to a permanent disability resulting from a work-related injury. PTD benefits aim to provide ongoing financial support. The formula for calculating PTD benefits is straightforward: PTD Benefit = 2/3 * Pre-Injury Average Weekly. The weekly NC workers compensation rates maximum for PTD benefits is $1,104, and the minimum is $30. These benefits are intended to support employees who face a permanent disability, ensuring they have the means to cover living expenses despite their inability to work.

How Long Will an Employee Wait Before Receiving Benefits

When an employee is injured at work in North Carolina, they should report it promptly to their employer. Employers typically have up to 14 days to investigate and inform the employee of their decision. Medical evaluations vary in timing depending on appointments and severity.

Wage replacement for Temporary Total Disability Benefits starts after a seven-day waiting period, provided the disability lasts over 21 days. It's essential to note that specific timelines may vary based on individual cases. Consulting with legal professionals or the North Carolina Industrial Commission is advisable for precise information about a particular claim.

Penalties for Not Getting Workers Compensation North Carolina

In North Carolina, there are significant penalties for employers who fail to obtain workers compensation insurance as state law requires. The North Carolina workers compensation insurance Act mandates that most employers provide this coverage for their employees. Here are the penalties that can be imposed for non-compliance:

  • Civil penalties: Employers who do not provide the required workers compensation insurance can face civil penalties. These penalties can result in substantial fines, which vary depending on the severity of the violation and the number of employees affected. The North Carolina Industrial Commission oversees workers compensation compliance and can impose these fines.

  • Legal action: Besides civil penalties, injured employees can take legal action against employers not providing workers compensation NC coverage. Suppose an employee is injured on the job and their employer lacks insurance. In that case, they can sue the employer to recover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages related to the injury.

  • Criminal charges: In extreme cases of non-compliance or deliberate fraud, employers may face criminal charges. Criminal penalties can include fines and even imprisonment for the employer. These cases are typically reserved for intentional misconduct or egregious violations of workers compensation laws.

  • Personal liability: Employers who fail to obtain workers compensation NC insurance may also become personally liable for covering the medical expenses and wage replacement for injured employees out of pocket. This can result in significant financial burdens on the employer.

North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Costs

For businesses in North Carolina, determining workers compensation rates can be complex and influenced by various factors. Workers compensation insurance costs can vary significantly based on your specific business circumstances. In North Carolina, businesses can typically expect to spend between $100 and $1,800 per year on NC state workers compensation. However, these costs are subject to multiple variables, including the size of your business, its location, the number of employees, and the nature of the work.

To provide a general idea of how different insurance companies might compare in terms of cost, here's an overview:

CompanyCost per MonthCost per YearBest for
NEXT$50$600Best overall; Fastest workers compensation insurance
Hiscox$60$720Professional services and consulting firms.
Thimble$80$960Freelancers and independent contractors seeking on-demand coverage.
Tivly$100$1,200Comparing workers comp insurance quotes over the phone.
The Hartford$150$1,800Established businesses with diverse needs.

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Best North Carolina Workers Compensation Insurance Companies

When it comes to protecting your business and the welfare of your employees, selecting the right workers compensation insurance NC company is of utmost importance. We've conducted an in-depth assessment and comparison of several top insurance providers in the state to bring you a comprehensive review. 

Each of these companies offers distinct advantages that can cater to your specific business requirements, ensuring you have the right coverage. Whether you operate a small startup, a well-established firm, or fall somewhere in between, our reviews will help you make an informed decision to safeguard your business and employees effectively.



  • NEXT offers competitive workers compensation coverage rates.

  • They provide customized policies tailored to the specific needs of businesses.

  • The online application process is user-friendly and efficient.

  • Coverage can be obtained quickly, making it suitable for businesses needing immediate insurance.

  • NEXT has received positive customer feedback for its responsiveness and ease of communication.


  • Couldn’t find any.

NEXT is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses in North Carolina seeking cost-effective workers compensation coverage. They specialize in providing tailored policies that consider the unique needs of businesses, allowing clients to select the coverage that best suits them. The online application process is streamlined and user-friendly, making it convenient for businesses to obtain coverage quickly. With a focus on responsiveness and clear communication, NEXT has garnered positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Best for: Best overall; Fastest workers compensation insurance

Average cost: $50 per month 

Our rating: 10/10

The Hartford 


  • The Hartford is a well-established insurance provider with a strong reputation.

  • They offer comprehensive workers compensation coverage suitable for various businesses.

  • Clients benefit from access to risk management resources and support.

  • The Hartford has a robust claims handling process.

  • Competitive rates are available for businesses with good safety records.


  • Not available in all states.

The Hartford is a highly reputable insurance company that caters to a broad spectrum of businesses in North Carolina. They offer comprehensive workers compensation coverage and provide clients with valuable risk management and safety resources. The Hartford's claims handling process is well-regarded for its efficiency and reliability. While premiums can vary based on factors such as industry and claims history, businesses with strong safety records can often secure competitive rates.

Best for: Established businesses with diverse needs.

Average cost: $150 per month

Our rating: 9/10



  • Tivly is known for its affordability, making it an excellent choice for startups and tech companies.

  • They offer straightforward workers compensation coverage.

  • The application process is efficient and hassle-free.

  • Tivly provides responsive customer support.

  • Customized solutions are available for businesses with unique needs.


  • Coverage options may be limited compared to larger providers.

Tivly is a cost-effective option for startups and tech companies in North Carolina seeking workers compensation NC coverage. Their straightforward approach to insurance simplifies the process for businesses. The application process is efficient, and clients can expect responsive customer support. While Tivly may not offer the same range of coverage options as larger providers, it excels in affordability, making it an attractive choice for businesses conscious of their budgets. Call now and talk with a representative to compare quotes over the phone. 

Best for: Comparing workers comp insurance quotes over the phone.

Average cost: $100 per month

Our rating: 8/10



  • Thimble specializes in providing workers compensation coverage for freelancers and independent contractors.

  • They offer flexible policies that can be customized to fit specific project needs.

  • The online application process is quick and convenient.

  • Competitive rates make it an affordable choice for freelancers.

  • Thimble's customer support is responsive and helpful.


  • Businesses with traditional employment structures may find other options more suitable.

Thimble stands out as an excellent option for freelancers and independent contractors in North Carolina seeking workers compensation coverage. Their flexibility allows clients to customize policies based on project requirements. The online application process is user-friendly and efficient, making it easy for freelancers to obtain coverage quickly. With competitive rates and responsive customer support, Thimble offers freelancers a valuable solution for their insurance needs.

Best for: Freelancers and independent contractors seeking on-demand coverage.

Average cost: $80 per month 

Our rating: 8/10



  • Hiscox specializes in serving professional services and consulting firms.

  • They offer tailored workers compensation coverage that meets the unique needs of these businesses.

  • The application process is straightforward and efficient.

  • Competitive rates are available for businesses in this sector.

  • Hiscox has a reputation for excellent customer service.


  • Larger businesses with diverse needs may find other providers more suitable.

Hiscox is a trusted provider of workers compensation insurance for professional services and consulting firms in North Carolina. They excel in offering tailored coverage that aligns with the unique needs of businesses in this sector. The application process is user-friendly, and clients can access competitive rates. With a strong reputation for customer service, Hiscox is a top choice for professional services firms seeking workers compensation coverage that addresses their specific requirements.

Best for: Professional services and consulting firms.

Average cost: $60 per month

Our rating: 9/10

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