You’ve likely landed on this page because you’ve heard we have a once-in-a-lifetime job up for grabs, and if so then you’re in the right place.

One of you can become an Insuranks employee for 12 months, travelling the world, taking in the sights, immersing yourself in the various cultures and all at no cost to yourself.


Why are we doing this?

We simply want to test a number of business insurance options, international car insurance and travel insurance packages to ensure our providers are offering the very best packages at the best prices.

In doing so, it’ll be your job to travel the world. You can take in the sights of the Sydney Opera House or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, climb the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, take a safari in Africa and be amazed at the Northern Lights in Iceland.

You’ll get to try your hand at swimming with dolphins, skydiving, bungee jumping, shark cage diving, plunging into freezing Antarctic waters, canyon swinging and so much more!


Is this job for you?

Do you love the idea of traveling the world solo, making new friends along the way? Are you over the age of 18? Do you have an active Instagram account? If so, then this job might just be for you.

Other than that, we ask that candidates are verbal, charismatic, creative, healthy, athletic (enough to climb, run and jump for various experiences) and have a great sense of humor.


So, what do you get if you win?

This job is worth over $85,000/£64,000 and will give you following each and every month of the 12-months we work together:

· Return flights – up to $2,000 / £1,500

· Accommodation fees – $3,000 / £2,000

· Food and drink allowance – $600 / £450

· Activity allowance – $1,000 / £750

· Car rental – $500 / £350

· International car insurance

· Travel insurance

· Business insurance

All you have to do, other than have the time of your life, is to take plenty of photos, a daily video diary and blog for us on your experiences; the countries, the cultures, the food & drink, the accommodation, the car hire and – of course – how you found our insurance packages.


So how do you sign up?

It’s so simple – all you have to do is complete the below application form to be in the running for the job of a lifetime AND post a 60 second video (maximum) on your Instagram grid account telling us exactly why you deserve to land this dream job, remembering to use the hashtag #InsuranksDreamJob and tagging @insurankscom.

Registration has closed

We would like to thank each and every one of you who took part and participated in the competition, you are amazing and so are your videos!

We will personally notify the winnervia the channel that provided in the form with all the details.

Applications closed  23: 59 on Monday 28 th February 2022.



1.1 This prize cannot be transferred and does not have a cash equivalent.

1.2 Applicants must be over the age of 18 years old and have a valid passport.

1.3 Maximum one entry per e-mail address/person.


2.1 Submit your entry by completing the submission form above and completing the required video task.

2.1.1 You must be happy for your name, face and submission video to be used in PR and marketing campaigns during this campaign and after being chosen as the winner. For this to happen, your Instagram account must be unlocked.

2.1.2 One winner will be chosen by the Insuranks team and will be picked based on who the judges consider to have the most creative entry.

2.1.3 The end date is 23: 59 on Monday 28 th February 2022. No submissions will be included after this time.

2.2 One winner will be hired by Insuranks for the Dream Traveler job, where they’ll be required to travel internationally once a month for 12 months and carry out all duties within the contract, including but not limited to taking many photos and videos in order to blog/vlog about the experiences and talk about the insurance packages.

2.2.1 Applicants must complete the entire submission form.

2.2.2 The winner will be contacted within 30 days of the applications closing.

2.2.3 If the winner does not respond to the Insuranks team within 14 days, another winner will be picked.

2.2.4 The Company has the full right to change or cancel the promotion at any time in accordance with the Company’s needs.

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